Pascal Levy

Doctoral Contracts for the Year 2024/2025

Doctoral Contracts for the Year 2024/2025

Dear Research Directors, Dear Doctoral Students,

The number of doctoral contracts awarded for the year 2024/2025 at the École Doctorale de Management Panthéon-Sorbonne is 4 (1 for UFR 27 and 3 for EMS). They will be allocated on September 2nd by an ad hoc committee formed from the ED.


Doctoral Contract Offer EMS


Doctoral Contract Offer EMS


Doctoral Contract Offer EMS


Doctoral Contract Offer UFR27

Anyone wishing to apply must submit an application electronically to Mr. Loïc Sorel no later than August 30th, including the following documents:

       - A detailed CV ;
      - A 5-page research proposal (excluding bibliography) ;
       - A copy of the master's thesis defended in M2 ;
       - All academic transcripts since the first year post-baccalaureate ; 
       - A letter of recommendation from the prospective research director.

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered by the committee.

I am at your disposal for any further information.

Best regards,

Jean-François Lemoine
Professeur des Universités
Directeur ED de Management Panthéon-Sorbonne