
Challenges of open science: HAL Archives Ouvertes

Share and promote your work in society

EDMPS doctoral students are at the heart of innovative research and actively contribute to the development of their respective fields. Disseminating their research is crucial to maximizing their academic impact and fostering the spread of research in society.

Cœur du document :

HAL Archives Ouvertes is an online platform that enables researchers, including PhD students, to share their research work with the global academic community. Visibility, long-term archiving, open access and compliance with institutional policies are just some of the benefits of publishing your work on HAL.

The creation of an IdHAL author identifier, linked to national and international identifiers (IdRef, ORCID), enables each teacher-researcher to strengthen their digital identity and automatically update their bibliography on their personal Paris 1 page and on their CVHAL.

Within the Service commun de la documentation (SCD), which administers the HAL portal, a dedicated team is on hand to help lecturers and researchers with the filing process, in close collaboration with HAL managers in the research units. Tutorials are also available online at le portail HAL Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne .


Consult the archives ouvertes HAL de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne


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