Doctoral Program

Image de l'université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

During the years dedicated to the writing of their doctoral thesis, the doctoral candidate must undertake a series of accompanying training, courses, seminars, missions, or internships. Together with the thesis, these activities constitute the doctoral program, which leads to the award of the doctoral degree.

The doctoral program is defined at the beginning of each year by the doctoral candidate and their research director. It can be updated throughout the year. The doctoral program is subject to annual monitoring by research directors and the doctoral school council, but it does not result in the award of a degree. At the end of each of the first three years of enrollment in the doctoral program, the research director validates the completed parts of the program with the doctoral candidate. The information is then transmitted to the doctoral school council, which also validates it. The doctoral program must be completed to enable the doctoral thesis defense.

  • ECTS and Doctoral Program

    The doctoral program results in the awarding of ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits. 150 ECTS are allocated for the thesis writing and defense, and an additional 30 ECTS are assigned to complementary modules during the first 3 years of doctoral registration.

    To obtain the 30 ECTS, the doctoral candidate must accrue a minimum of 5 ECTS and a maximum of 15 per module, spanning at least 3 out of the 4 available modules.

  • Exemptions

    Adjustments or exemptions with an allocation of 15 to 20 ECTS may be granted, upon justification, by the Doctoral School Council to doctoral candidates residing outside of France when their attendance in the various module activities is impossible.

    In the case of a joint supervision (cotutelle), the doctoral program must be validated proportionally to the time spent by the doctoral candidate at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.

  • Special Arrangements

    For each of the following cases, ECTS may be allocated after the examination of the dossier by the Doctoral School Council:

    • Doctoral candidate with a full-time professional activity (1,607 annual hours) other than teaching duties (6 ECTS awarded per year, up to a maximum of 3 years).
    • Doctoral candidate with a part-time professional activity other than teaching duties (annual allocation, up to a maximum of 3 years, of a number of ECTS calculated in proportion to the time spent on this activity).
    • Secondary school teachers or those with the status of PRAG (holders of a part-time position) (6 ECTS awarded per year, up to a maximum of 3 years).
    • Secondary school teachers or those with the status of PRAG (part-time position) (annual allocation, up to a maximum of 3 years, of a number of ECTS calculated in proportion to the time spent on this activity).
    • Doctoral candidates under a CIFRE agreement with professional activity related to academic expertise (3 ECTS awarded per year, up to a maximum of 3 years).

Activities offered to doctoral students as part of the doctoral programme

Here are the documents available for download to manage your doctoral program: